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ZOZEN Boiler в основном обрабатывает оборудование для сжигания угля, топлива (газа), электрического отопления, сжигания биомассы, сжигания водоугольной суспензии, сжигания мусора и других типов паровых котлов, промышленных водогрейных котлов, нагревателей теплоносителя и т. Д. электроэнергетика, теплоснабжение, химическая промышленность, текстиль, печать и крашение, пищевая, бумага, строительство, резина, дерево, отели и многие другие отрасли и коммерческие услуги.

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Водогрейный котёл на биомассе серии SZL

Горячая вода Рабочее давление: 1,0-1,25 МПа Тепловая мощность продукта: 2,8-29 МВт Температура...

Водогрейный котёл на биомассе серии DZL

Горячая вода Рабочее давление: 1,0-1,6 МПа Тепловая мощность продукта: 1,4-14 МВт Температура ...

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Термомасло Рабочее давление: 0,8-1,0 МПа Тепловая мощность продукта: 7,000-29,000 кВт Температ...

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Термомасло Рабочее давление: 0,8-1,0 МПа Тепловая мощность продукта: 700-14,000 кВт Температур...

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Горячая вода Рабочее давление: 1,25-1,6 МПа Тепловая мощность продукта: 29-140 МВт Температура...

Угольный паровой котел с ЦКС (циркулирующим кипящим слоем) серии SHX

Пар Рабочее давление: 1,25-2,45 МПа Тепловая мощность продукта: 10-75 т/ч Температура на выход...

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Johnson Controls FX15 Field Controller – Industrial Controls. The FX15 Field Controller (FX15 Classic) is a high performance field controller in the Facility Explorer system specifically designed for commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration applications such as chillers and rooftops, indoor packaged air conditioning units, Air Handling Units (AHUs), and

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Johnson Controls FX15 Field Controller – Industrial Controls. The FX15 Field Controller (FX15 Classic) is a high performance field controller in the Facility Explorer system specifically designed for commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration applications such as chillers and rooftops, indoor packaged air conditioning units, Air Handling Units (AHUs), and

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Johnson Controls FX15 Field Controller – Industrial Controls. The FX15 Field Controller (FX15 Classic) is a high performance field controller in the Facility Explorer system specifically designed for commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration applications such as chillers and rooftops, indoor packaged air conditioning units, Air Handling Units (AHUs), and

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Johnson Controls FX15 Field Controller – Industrial Controls. The FX15 Field Controller (FX15 Classic) is a high performance field controller in the Facility Explorer system specifically designed for commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration applications such as chillers and rooftops, indoor packaged air conditioning units, Air Handling Units (AHUs), and

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Johnson Controls FX15 Field Controller – Industrial Controls. The FX15 Field Controller (FX15 Classic) is a high performance field controller in the Facility Explorer system specifically designed for commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration applications such as chillers and rooftops, indoor packaged air conditioning units, Air Handling Units (AHUs), and

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bagasse boiler – bagasse boiler cost. Boiler (power generation) Wikipedia. A boiler or steam generator is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water.Although the definitions are somewhat flexible, it can be said that older steam generators were commonly termed boilers and worked at low to medium pressure (72,000 kPa or 1290 psi) but, at pressures above

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bagasse boiler – bagasse boiler cost. Boiler (power generation) Wikipedia. A boiler or steam generator is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water.Although the definitions are somewhat flexible, it can be said that older steam generators were commonly termed boilers and worked at low to medium pressure (72,000 kPa or 1290 psi) but, at pressures above

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Johnson Controls FX15 Field Controller – Industrial Controls. The FX15 Field Controller (FX15 Classic) is a high performance field controller in the Facility Explorer system specifically designed for commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration applications such as chillers and rooftops, indoor packaged air conditioning units, Air Handling Units (AHUs), and

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